Amazing @ 12:54 AM
Today was the last paper of prelim 1!
Or should i say yesterday cause its 1am le!!
Oh man, Physics. Hahaha.
Ay, cannot just scrap through and aim for a pass grade anymore.
I need to reign in my studies! Prelim 2 and O level just wait and see!!! haha.
Slept at 3 plus de previous night.
Went home straight after the paper today at 11am. Super early!
Jie Xiang :)
haha, my disciple and my buddy.
Really teachable and growing.
I have faith in YOU
Glenn :)
I really love and miss him!
Really like my younger brother.
I have faith in YOU too!

The mischievous
Daniel :)
Its really fun to be around him. haha

Xiong Jie the superstar :)

Bai Shi! Super nice guy.
Dint know he so zi lian!=X haha :)
Jun Pern! Another great guy! haha,
super nice and willing to listen to what others have to say about him
I don't have Wen Bin's picture!
Super nice and gentle guy :)
My se7en beloved disciple!
Can't wait to see them grow!
And I only can bring the members to where I've been to!
"God I want and need to rise up!"
I don't want to stay stagnant.
I'm so gonna pray till something happens, I don't care.
haha, sure can grow one.
RAWHH i need to be more fun too! Everytime to make a decision to step out of my comfort zone and be a noisy person! hah, people will only want to be around me when I am fun. I AM A LEADER! its time to grow le. Really really cannot don't grow.
Tomorrow is Sunday service!
Super excited! hahah
Meeting Pastor and the other leaders at 5.30 am in church!! supper early
haha, first time to be in church so early.
Tomorrow is going to be different.
Salvations. Integration. Growth
it will happen!
Win souls. Plan. Worship life. Schedule
"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!"
"God's presence is meant to be poured out into our lives! Not to be kept! "
-Pastor Tan Ye Peng
Okie, its very late le, need to wake up early in the morning
off to pray! :)
Its time to move on!
the next level here i come! :)