Keep on keeping on @ 2:01 AM
Keep on keeping on,
the word is spoken,
keep on trusting God,
put on my armour,
i will fight for my land,
discouraged, yes
but i rather fail, learn and move on
and be stronger
Life! @ 3:31 AM
Ahh, everyday just seems to get more fun!
I'm beginning to look forward to every new day.
Looking back, i really can't imagine how i would be like now without God.
I really really enjoy every second of my life now!
Haha! Just look at my wish list!
I seemed to have everything (although the whole list is very short)
And that the things that I don't have, or rather working on cannot be bought by money
(except that Taylor guitar, which is almost impossible for a 16 year old to buy on his own)
I went out with Ryan Lim yesterday!
and now i'm frustrated because i can't find the USB cable to transfer the photos taken with him!
Don't say i can't wake up
I can ok
tomorrow is another great day!