Ahh! Long time no post le.
Haha. Just wanna say I really enjoy my life.
JC! Hahah,
I was just so grateful that this week is only a four day week,
just so that I could rest a little more.
A little worn out from school.

See, Lee Lao Shi agrees. Stress till he headache and perspire ahahahah! :)
Good Friday, I went out with Qi Yong!
Hahah, It was super fun!
He took me to some of the new anime shops at Plaza Singapura!
Guess our common ground is cartoon and game characters yea?
We started talking crap and just had alot of fun!

Then there was church BBQ today!
Its been quite a long time since we got to go out for fellowship!
Today was so awesome!
The core and some of the members really rose up to the occasion.
Glad to see everyone so smiley and enjoying themselves today!
Some photos we took, boys can be quite vain ar?

Jie Xiang came! so so so happy :):)
Hahaha, Qi Yong got Angelina Jolie lips :X

Eliot and me! :)
I wrote him a card today, and I think he was super happy! :)

Ahh, the beach.
My favourite place. :P
Can just sit there for the whole day
Some random photos:

Rebecca and me!
Haa, thanks for teaching me how to ice skate!
Though I still can't skate after the whole thing =X

Ehh, I can slam dunk woah

With the help of a chair :)
Living out my life to the fullest.
Loving God, people and my leaders!
70 is possibleStrong: 120HungerBoldnessCourage