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Love God, Love People, Love Life

2009: Hunger, Boldness, Courage

My Vision!



Ting Ting!
Zhi Han!
Qi Yong!

My Playlist


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Awesome Life :) @ 2:16 AM

Ahh! Long time no post le.
Haha. Just wanna say I really enjoy my life.
JC! Hahah,
I was just so grateful that this week is only a four day week,
just so that I could rest a little more.
A little worn out from school.

See, Lee Lao Shi agrees. Stress till he headache and perspire ahahahah! :)

During Good Friday, I went out with Qi Yong!
Hahah, It was super fun!
He took me to some of the new anime shops at Plaza Singapura!
Guess our common ground is cartoon and game characters yea?
We started talking crap and just had alot of fun!

Then there was church BBQ today!
Its been quite a long time since we got to go out for fellowship!
Today was so awesome!
The core and some of the members really rose up to the occasion.
Glad to see everyone so smiley and enjoying themselves today!

Some photos we took, boys can be quite vain ar?
Jie Xiang came! so so so happy :):)
Hahaha, Qi Yong got Angelina Jolie lips :X

Eliot and me! :)
I wrote him a card today, and I think he was super happy! :)

Ahh, the beach.
My favourite place. :P
Can just sit there for the whole day

Some random photos:
Rebecca and me!
Haa, thanks for teaching me how to ice skate!
Though I still can't skate after the whole thing =X

Ehh, I can slam dunk woah

With the help of a chair :)

Living out my life to the fullest.
Loving God, people and my leaders!

70 is possible
Strong: 120


Saturday, April 4, 2009

FAITH! @ 1:54 AM

I want to have faith.
in all that i do,
faith will bring me to where i want to go.
Faith pleases God,
and I want to please God

it has been a great week,
I want to end it with a blast,
70 is possible!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Different Day :) @ 1:57 AM

Ahh! Missed prayer today because I had Biology lecture today!
Was late :X
I wrote on my organiser 10.30am but it was actually 10am
Mr Gabriel taught us on the chapter on lipids!
He actually covered the whole chapter in one lecture, fast eh

Rushed home after that to get clothes for C zone outing
at Sentosa! Fun Fun! :)
Haha, I saw bus 178 come,
so i decided to give it a try
15 mins from school to 3 blocks away from my house!

Cut the long story short,
Outing was awesome!
And the water was extra salty today!

We played the dolphin wars game,
everyone was just screaming and trying to push the other team down
poor Kah Liang only come watch because of his fracture
get well soon la!
Games were followed by the memory game,
but the worse thing is that once you get it wrong you get snake powdered!
super cold ar!

Sorry Christina!
I ran into the water with your phone :X
ahhhhh! I feel so bad
i'll try to revive it yea! prayer works! hahah!

its an awesome day!
Really had fun with everyone

Some random pictures:
Integrated Resort to-be

Ah Siang's shades

Awesome Sunset :O


Ahh, I feel so different

This is not a chance to break or whatever,
I'm going to still give God everything that I have
whatever bad attitude and character,
its time to change

I dun want to become cold or blinded
But i want to press in for more.
Pride, bad spirit
I'm not going to accept it

70, nothing less
it will come to pass


Sunday, March 1, 2009

2009! @ 2:35 AM


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Keep on keeping on @ 2:01 AM

Keep on keeping on,
the word is spoken,
keep on trusting God,
put on my armour,
i will fight for my land,

discouraged, yes
but i rather fail, learn and move on
and be stronger


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Life! @ 3:31 AM

Ahh, everyday just seems to get more fun!
I'm beginning to look forward to every new day.
Looking back, i really can't imagine how i would be like now without God.
I really really enjoy every second of my life now!

Haha! Just look at my wish list!
I seemed to have everything (although the whole list is very short)
And that the things that I don't have, or rather working on cannot be bought by money
(except that Taylor guitar, which is almost impossible for a 16 year old to buy on his own)

I went out with Ryan Lim yesterday!
and now i'm frustrated because i can't find the USB cable to transfer the photos taken with him!

Don't say i can't wake up
I can ok

tomorrow is another great day!


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Photos! @ 1:00 AM




Tuesday, November 18, 2008

4 E! @ 12:25 PM

wahh, its been so long since i last posted!
haha. exams are over!
and now its time to GROW!

its been packed ever since exams ended.

Prom night:

haha, its been 2 years with this class
couldn't really bear to part with everyone :(

thats all the picture i got!
heh, everyone seemed to be busy taking photos and stuff
but I'm not that kind, so 5 is alot le!
haha, send me photos guys!

3/4E Chalet:
this is JunHao and his ugly position while watching teevee. opps!

As you can see, I totally was OWNED
haha oh man

Bowling alley :)

Haha everyone was darn tired after everything

its amazing
really loved my class and will definitely miss everyone

well lets end off here :P


Monday, October 20, 2008

Chem paper! @ 9:22 PM

Before i study i'll post smth short
chem paper 2 is over!
haha well, i dunno how have i done.
but is ok, lets move on
ahh! let God do the rest!

demoralized? a little...
disappointed? not really...
emo? NO! hahaa

ahahah, well i have done my best for chemistry thats all i have to say! :D

Jia You!!!!!! :)


Monday, October 13, 2008

Sleepless. @ 4:23 AM

Ahh, my eyes are wide open,
but i cant get anymore notes into my head
7 more days, 1 week more
the exam monster is coming nearer
I can't sleep, but at the same time I'm very tired
I really don't wanna disappoint anyone
esp pst, mum
Well i guess i don't even have time to worry
just jump and swim,
ponder anymore i'll really drown

many things happened,
learnt and grown a lot from all of it
somehow i'm different from before,

3 more hours will be going school le
Chenxi is sick :(
she's really amazing though,
somebody i need a lot of catching up to

anyway, don't think i can fall asleep no matter how nice my bed is
feel like taking a walk outside with Him

well, see ya!
i need to recharge

get well soon!

some pictures taken recently


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Grow! @ 1:40 AM

Had C2 meeting today!
haha amazing!
worship was awesome!
Pastor's sermon was awesome!
Presence of God was awesome!

yea C2 i really believe you'll grow
there is a leader in everyone of you!
don't be afraid to change and rise up :)
i really can't wait for everyone to become leaders

Was hanging out and traveling home with Chenxi :)
By just observing her really amazes me
The way she does things, relating to Pastor
really awesome woman of God :)
wow :)

I want to rise up!!!
Titles are not important, but the heart behind it
for God, for my leaders, for people

I want to have character,
I want to have DNA,
I want to have substance

So much more i need to work on
but can one :)

Grow C zone Grow!!
although I'm in the midst of exams I just can't help being excited about growth!
Can you imagine how it'l be after exams?
This season is really the time to explode


Yea Results is back!
Don't feel like typing here, but at least i improved!
haha, ya wouldn't be discouraged
continue to work hard lor :)

You are my world